At the age of 14, Prince was introduced to me while on vacation in Jamaica, in the West Indies. In the video for “1999,” two...
The legacy of James Brown is unprecedented. His influence is unparalleled, and continues to permeate through all variants of soul. J.Period‘s Legacy of James Brown highlights...
While there are countless books written on Prince, (and I practically own the majority of them), what’s endearing about Touré‘s perspective in I Would Die...
This month marks Wax Poetics magazine’s 10-year anniversary in which they pay homage to “one of the most iconic musicians in the history of African...
The voice singing “Tis your kind of music” is the blast off point for me on “Graham Central Station,” from the interplanetary LP Release Yourself. Graham...
Hearing this made my night, especially after the disappointing tail-end of Taylor Swift’s snag of the “Album of the Year” Grammy Award. In my 2009...