In the Rolling Stone film series, “Mastering the Craft” they follow Major Lazer members Diplo, Walshy Fire, and Jillionaire as they take Kingston, Jamaica by...
The Museum of Modern Art presents Icelandic singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, and producer, Bjork in a retrospective multi-faceted exhibition, featuring the many layers to Bjork’s artistry....
Seldom do you come across an emcee who is also a multi-instrumentalist and a producer. Self-taught pianist and multi-instrumentalist, Heron Demarco‘s music is a great blend...
Future Rare Grooves has been in the works for a few months and is a culmination of Don-e‘s favourite rare grooves. For those unfamiliar with the UK definition...
My brother Miguel once told me about a blog called Super Sonido run by Joseph Franko. On it, I found this incredible classic cumbia called...
J*Davey are back!! The West Coast duo are shaping up to release new album ROOKIE, which features this gem of a track, “Love? Yeah!” with LA-based...
It’s not often that actors make a seamless transition from acting to singing but for Mack Wilds, (Tristan Wilds from the education season of The...