Back To The Present Vol.1, is a project spearheaded by Daz-I-Kue (from renowned UK Broken Beat group Bugz In The Attic), whose mission is to...
Venezuelan-born musician and producer DJ Afro and growing New York legend, Manchildblack, largely known for his Libation club night with Ian Friday, have come together as The Copasetic...
Firstly, we have to commend the Ty team in having a clear road map for this release. The journey is filled with anticipation and build...
Making the rounds to promote Joy Jones‘s debut album, Godchild with Bugz in the Attic producer Daz-I-Kue, the audience were eating out of their hands....
You think it’s all about attending seminars and meeting record executives that make the WMC. In fact, it’s quite the opposite and is truly dependent...