Production duo, Tensei, comprising of two fellas Simple X and Midas Wells, met while studying at Southern Illinois University. The two soon realised their affinity...
Guadeloupe born producer, singer, and songwriter, Cilla K released her self-produced album Fine Line, which featured a collaboration with Jneiro Jarel, “Evil Child” back in 2010...
Monster Sneaker is a new production duo, who so happen to be label mates on Tru Thoughts — Xavier Jean a.k.a Azaxx and Jonathan Radford...
This month marks Wax Poetics magazine’s 10-year anniversary in which they pay homage to “one of the most iconic musicians in the history of African...
It’s been quite some time since Kissey Asplund has graced the pages of Muphoric Sounds, and it’s not without query; we’ve had our eye on...
Step Like A Giant, the sophomore album from one of our favourite Swedes, Cecilia Stalin, gives us a mix of all the things which light...
Prayers have been answered. D’Angelo is back! Kicking off the first of his European dates in Stockholm, he has returned with such rigor, it’s as...
We cannot begin to tell you how excited we are about upcoming Black Radio album from Robert Glasper Experiment!!! Here we have the first taste...
From the sound of this, it was created during the infamous James River sessions, which was slated to be D’Angelo‘s third album. We know how...
Have to give a shout out to DJ Come of Age for including me on a tweet to check out new music from John Graham with his album Success in...
Where to begin? This year marked some bizarre ocurrances, the sudden deaths of the Over Weight Lover Heavy D and Amy Winehouse, Jay Z &...
Well, this was a lovely surprise! Legendary DJ/Producer DJ Spinna has put together an incredible mix of his favourite Mark de Clive-Lowe tunes, which include remixes...
“Avril 14” is so beautiful; just rocked my world. The intensity of the music with Mar and UK singer Szjerdene‘s incredibly heartfelt delivery, will make you want...
It’s not every day you come across an artist who has a background that makes you wonder, “Why haven’t I heard about them before?” Baby...
From his latest album, What You Were Hoping For?, is the first video for “Eyes Like Pearls.” Van Hunt says the lyrics to the song...