John Graham – Proof of Life Offline (Interactive Freeness)

Every time I listen to John Graham, I am amazed by his killer delivery, rhymes, and content! In this first ever multi-platform digital experience, Ego Free Media Group go beyond the usual pedestrian download, and take us through an interactive piece using controversial Kanye West soundbytes in Proof of Life Offline. What is so incredible about having an interactive piece to this project is being given an inside view of what inspired each track with a visual and oratory aspect. With track such as “Solitary Confinement,” “Premature Infatuation,” “Gatekeepers,” “Generation Gap,” “Take What You Want,” all highlight issues that West has sort to explain or even fallen prey to due to his lack of finesse in delivery. In Proof of Life Offline, John Graham cleverly unveils the complexity surrounding Kanye West, shedding light on how the messenger is being shot down due to the “message” being lost in ego, while also reflecting how West‘s insights are highly applicable to Graham‘s life as an artist.

Unfortunately, Proof of Life Offline is only available from 10am-1pm TODAY (sorry guys, am a little late in posting this!), so get this unique and important album RIGHT NOW!!

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Roseann V. Warren

Founder + Editorial Director at Muphoric Sounds
Roseann V. Warren is a Brooklyn, NY-based freelance writer and developmental book editor who proudly calls herself a member of the Prince army and believes Hersey's chocolate is a crime against humanity. Follow her @webdiva3000