Soulpersona – “Soulcoaster” Debut Album (Audio)

SoulpersonaWe often hear about the power of the internet and how social media has taken connecting to another level. The story behind this project is liberating, defying limitations to create, unconventionally. Completely constructed in each artist’s own space, UK producer Soulpersona used the internet to find his collaborators, sent them his music, which they added their contribution, and what we’re left with is Soulcoaster, a smooth blend of expressive soul, rare grooves, jazz funk, hip hop, and disco infected beats. Featuring a wide range of artists from around the world such as Princess Freesia, Replife, Deborah Jordan, D’Angelo’s backing vocalist Kia Bennett and a surprise vocalist — the sexy full vocals of Sibel Thasher from the 70s band RAMP (remember her from Roy Ayres “Everybody Loves the Sunshine”?). Soulcoaster is a sexy little album for grown folks from a new talent. Listen to some of the songs below and get yourself a copy from Digisoul now!

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Roseann V. Warren

Founder + Editorial Director at Muphoric Sounds
Roseann V. Warren is a Brooklyn, NY-based freelance writer and developmental book editor who proudly calls herself a member of the Prince army and believes Hersey's chocolate is a crime against humanity. Follow her @webdiva3000